You needed a vision of the future in order to get anywhere

About This Quote

The quote, “You needed a vision of the future in order to get anywhere,” was written by Aldous Huxley. It is often quoted as one of his most profound works, and it is commonly used to describe an important choice people make when pursuing their dreams. But what does the phrase mean? Huxley believed that human beings are naturally inclined toward creativity. He said that humans are naturally creative but that creativity needs something to work with.

For example, neither the words nor the actions of an artist can create beauty on their own. As soon as they are set down on paper or are performed onstage, they become objects for others to interpret. The artist has no control over this process.

The same is true for all human endeavors—from art to science to business—Huxley argued that we need a vision or goal that we can work toward and that we can believe in and that will inspire us and give us strength and motivation. If we don’t have a vision of what we want our life to be like in the future, we won’t be able to move forward and accomplish anything worthwhile or worthwhile-looking.

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  1. You needed a vision of the future in order to get anywhere - Anonymous

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